After doing some extensive research it seems that you guys have been promoting the EO brand for quite some time, at least 7 or more years now. The hard work you have put in has grown the brand and it seems there have been some great success with it. The next logical start to utilize the EO brand as a platform as well as a brand. This means that the EO website will act as a platform to entertain, educate, inform, and excite much like other platforms do like YouTube, Facebook, etc. This will be accomplished by a variety of actions outlined below. These are all brainstormed ideas so don’t get too hung up on any that may seem too complex or you simply just dont like. 


The first thing we need to do is establish a campaign for this period of our marketing. Usually a new slogan goes along with a new campaign. I know you guys have been using the “Adventure with Attitude” but I thought maybe a new message would do well with the renewed focus. I prayed and prayed for a catchy and relatable campaign and I got the “Find It Outdoors” campaign. The message of this campaign is telling poeple to find the “It” in the outdoors, whatever their “It” is. Their “It” could be happiness or peace or adventure or purpose or whatever. Whatever their “It” is they can Find “It” Outdoors. This campaign encourages people to utilize the Earnhardt Outdoors platform to start getting outdoors. 

Here is a brainstorming of events, contests, shows, and much more that we would do to add experiences and content to the EO platform. 


Group hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking, etc outings where groups get together and do something outdoors together. We need to ensure that the activity somehow encourages people to interact with each other. Can also do outings to fun places like rope course places, whitewater center, and other places like that.

Group outings where everyone is working together to do some good for the environment, like planting trees, cleaning up rivers, etc.

Kid and family outings, maybe get involved with boy scouts/girl scouts or other child related outdoor organizations. 

Do summer, fall, winter, and/or spring camps for kids (and adults too!)

Do campouts where we setup a campfire and chairs and marshmallows/hot dogs (and other food) with activities and other things for people to do to get a small taste of camping in the outdoors. We can do these at business’ locations or out in the woods or wherever.  


Contests for hunting, fishing, and just about any other outdoor activity where people are competing againsts each other for prizes. 

We could do online contests on social channels where we post pictures from national parks or other outdoor places and people have to guess where it is to win stuff.

We could do tagging contest where people post pics/vids of them outdoors and tag EO to win stuff.

We could do lenghty challenge that spans the course of months where we challenge people to get outdoors and do a specific things and they have to post a video of them with the date written on a piece of paper or something to prove they are out doing it. It could be like a seasonal challenge where they get points for doing the activities and they are competing against others and the highest point getters wins something.


We could do reviews of Vacation Homes on platforms like VRBO or AirBnb of vacation homes that located in the outdoors. 

We could do reviews of hiking trails, public parks, fishing spots, hunting locations, and other outdoor places. 

Continue doing the Winding Road series or we can rename it to something else and do reviews of companies that are outdoor related. Places like outdoor adventure places or businesses that make outdoor products or restaurants located in the outdoors or other outdoor places like Anakeesta in Gatlinburg. 

Keep doing the podcast but focus on outdoor events and places of interest, etc.

Have a series where Kerry takes out celebrities and other people of interest on a hunt or fish.


Market and advertise current products and put them on website to sell. 

Make partnerships with other companies or come up with our own EO prodcuts. 

We could develop EO packages for vehicles that are outdoor themed. 


Here is a brainstorming of advertising that we could do to promote the campaign, the website, the products, the events, and more.



We could do print ads and video ads where it shows a person from one side and they are in an office or somewhere indoors and unhappy and then it pans behind their head to the other side of their face and they are in the outdoors and they are happy and relaxed.

We could do a similar ad where someone is riding a stationary bike in a gym and unhappy and it pans around to where they are riding a bike in the woods and happy.

We could do a similar ad where someone is playing a video game at home alone unhappy and it pans around their head to where they are out in the woods hunting and get a shot on something and get high fives and cheers from friends they are with. (or it could be paintball/airsoft)


We need to do specific ads for the products that are in line with the overall campaign.

We could have a commercial where two guys are in a tree stand trying to be quiet but one has a EO ale and goes to crack it open and the other guy is telling him not to do it and he does and it scares the deer away.

We need to do specific ads for the events and experiences that are in line with the overall campaign.

We need to do specific ads for the contests and challenges that are in line with the campaign.

We need to do specific ads for the content on the website that are in line with the overall campaign.



Put up tree stands with a hunter in them in busy places, downtowns, etc with signs talking about Finding IT Outdoors.

Put up a small fishing boat somewhere with people fishing off of it in small ponds or fountains or other places where there shouldn’t be a fishing boat and have signage promoting the campaign and website.

Put up campfires and tents in places where there shouldn’t be a campfire with signage promoting the campaign and website.

Have a bathtub setup somewhere it shouldn’t be outside with someone inside it washing themself with signs and EO soap around them to promote the product.




Phase 1 

  1. Get good product pages on website, maybe sell products on website.  
  2. Put up pages for all past events and any other past content to fill out website.  

Phase 2 

    1. Start doing Campouts and promote. 
    2. Start doing Finding It and Doing It outings.  
    3. Start doing small tagging and guessing contests on social media pages to boost engagement.  
    4. Start doing/continue doing the Winding Roads/EO reviews of places. 
    5. Start EO Club. 
    6. Start General Ads 

Phase 3


Starting out I could do the adding content and enhancing the product pages of the website for the $480. As the campaign matures and grows I will have to go up to match the updated involvement but we can negotiate that when it gets to that point. Once you make your payment I will get started working on the product pages and adding your old events/content to the website to start filling it up.